Biyernes, Oktubre 14, 2016





The piston is originated to the fire piston ,fire piston is a device of ancient origin which is used to kindle fire. It uses the principle of the heating of a gas (in this case air) by rapid and adiabatic compression to ignite a piece of tinder, which is then used to set light to kindling..Fire pistons have been used in South East Asia and the Pacific Islands as a means of kindling fire for years. Air gets very hot when it is compressed under high pressure.A firepiston it is done so quickly and efficiently that it can reach a temperature in excess of 800 degrees Fahrenheit.By 1865 European explorers had reached the jungles of Indonesia where they found firepiston use well established and widespread. Areas of distribution included Burma, the Malay Peninsula, French Indo-China and Borneo. From some of these areas it made its way to the East Island Archipelagos and the Philippines.

 In an internal combustion engine the expansion of the high-temperature and high-pressure gases produced by combustion apply direct force to some component of the engine. The force is applied typically to pistonsturbine blades, rotor or a nozzle.To make the vehicle move distance at the same time,the engine change the chemical energy into mechanical energy.


The first engine is the steam engines ,one form of valve used to control the flow of steam within a steam engine or locomotive.The example of a steam engine is the rail way vehicle  or the train.The usual locomotive valve gears such as StephensonWalschaerts, and Baker valve gear, can be used with either slide valves or piston valves. Where poppet valves are used, a different gear, such as Caprotti valve gear may be used, though standard gears as mentioned above were used as well, by Chapelon and others.The Swannington incline winding engine on the Leicester and Swannington Railway, manufactured by The Horsely Coal & Iron Company in 1833, shows a very early use of the piston valve.Piston valves had been used a year or two previously in the horizontal engines manufactured by Taylor & Martineau of London,


The casting of motorcycle piston was carried out using metallic mold. The prepared piston sand core was positioned in the mold to provide casting with contours and cavities. The molten metal of required composition was poured into the metallic mold, allowed to solidify and take the desired shape of the cavity. Aluminium silicon piston scraps were used as the casting material. Melting of the aluminium piston scraps was achieved using local crucible furnace and finally pouring the molten metal into the metallic mold having the prepared piston sand core in place to obtain the piston. After feting and cleaning, the casting was found to be good.

Advantages of cast iron over aluminum: 
  • Wear strength of cast iron piston is more.
  • Cast iron pistons have higher strength. As temperature increases, the strength of aluminum alloy piston decreases rapidly. Due to higher strength, it is possible to provide thin sections for the parts of cast iron piston.
  • Because of higher coefficient of thermal expansion aluminum, aluminum alloy pistons need more clearance between the cylinder wall and piston rings
  • The typical cast piston is made of a lower grade aluminum which is molten and flowed into a mold having the shape of the finished product. Piston molds are permanent dies, intricately made of multiple-piece steel shapes. The molten aluminum is vacuum drawn into the mold. So accurate is the process that the resulting casting requires minimal machining. Cast pistons, costing less, are more brittle than hypereutectic or forged pistons so they are not well suited for high performance applications.


Various scientists and engineers contributed to the development of internal combustion engines.The first person to experiment with an internal-combustion engine was the Dutch physicist Christian Huygens, about 1680, But no effective gasoline-powered engine was developed until 1859, when the French engineer J. J. Étienne Lenoir built a double-acting, spark-ignition engine that could be operated continuously. In 1862 Alphonse Beau de Rochas, a French scientist, patented but did not build a four-stroke engine; sixteen years later, when Nikolaus A. Otto built a successful four-stroke engine, it became known as the "Otto cycle" The first successful two-stroke engine was completed in the same year by Sir Dougald Clerk, in a form which (simplified somewhat by Joseph Day in 1891) remains in use today. George Brayton, an American engineer, had developed a two-stroke kerosene engine in 1873, but it was too large and too slow to be commercially successful.
In 1885 Gottlieb Daimler constructed what is generally recognized as the prototype of the modern gas engine: small and fast, with a vertical cylinder, it used gasoline injected through a carburetor. In 1889 Daimler introduced a four-stroke engine with mushroom-shaped valves and two cylinders arranged in a V, having a much higher power-to-weight ratio; with the exception of electric starting, which would not be introduced until 1924, most modern gasoline engines are descended from Daimler's engines.

In this context certain climate forcing agents—the most important one being carbon dioxide—which otherwise cause no harm to living organisms, should be added to the list of “classic” pollutants, along with such compounds as oxides of nitrogen or sulfur. On the other hand, climate research has linked certain compounds long recognized as air pollutants (for instance black carbon) to the warming of climate, thus providing one more reason for their control.
Damage to plants, crops, and man-made products. Human health impact.Most common greenhouse gas.Destruction of stratospheric ozone.Human health impact.Reduced atmospheric visibility. Human health impact. Black carbon particulates contribute to global warming.

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